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O PSA1+ é o braço de estúdio definitivo para podcasters, streamers e locutores. Seu inovador design de mola paralelogramo garante movimento ultra suave e posicionamento preciso do microfone em qualquer posição, enquanto suas molas internas totalmente amortecidas e a cobertura de braço de neoprene eliminam ruídos mecânicos para operação completamente silenciosa. A gestão integrada de cabos garante que sua configuração esteja organizada, e sua extensão e rotação completa de 360 graus tornam fácil posicionar o microfone exatamente onde ele precisa estar. Leve o seu conteúdo para o próximo nível.
Características Principais
  • Premium professional studio boom arm for podcasters, streamers, broadcasters and creators  
  • Innovative parallelogram spring design for precise mic placement and ultra-smooth movement  
  • Fully damped springs for completely silent operation  
  • Superior isolation from keyboard, mouse and desk noise  
  • Integrated cable management for both USB and XLR cables  
  • Compatible with any microphone or shockmount using a standard thread, weighing between 94g and 1.2kg, including the PodMic

Sleek. Stable. Silent.

The innovative parallelogram spring design of the PSA1+ keeps the placement of your mic constant, even as the height is adjusted, and ensures movement is ultra-smooth. Rubber contact points provide superior isolation from knocks, bumps, and keyboard or mouse clicks while its fully damped springs keep noise to an absolute minimum.

Just Add Your Mic

The PSA1+ is compatible with all standard shockmounts and both end and side-address microphones are accommodated by the flexible mounting system, either in the downward or upright position. Microphones weighing as little as 94g all the way to 1.2kg are supported with complete stability and the integrated cable management system can be used with both XLR and USB cables.

Flexible by Nature

The perfectly balanced movement, extended reach and full 360-degree rotation of the PSA1+ allow you to position your microphone with absolute precision, so you always sound your best. High-quality locking nuts on the mounting system make for easy adjustments and both a threaded desk mount and a padded desk clamp are included, making it a breeze to integrate into any setup.